September 25, 2012


Now that we're home things have been a little hectic. Everyone is doing their best to adjust and get back to normal. Talon is getting incredibly needy and whiny because he isn't the center of attention.

The first day we were home Logan threw up all over the sofa, he asked for something to eat and I gave him what he wanted. Bad idea. I stuck to clear liquids and light food after that. Cleaning those couch cushions was SO gross. He was also still having accidents the first few days, standing up and moving quickly was a struggle. He's been getting some really bad headaches since we've been home. They're definitely the worst in the morning. His neck is just so stiff since he hadn't taken medicine in 10 hours plus. Bath time also results in screaming and grabbing his head, I don't think its a headache though. My guess is the water touching the incision irritates it. I've kept him on 2-3 doses of motrin a day since we've been home, that tends to keep the pain under control. I called the NS to make sure it was normal because the discharge packet says to call in case of vomiting, headaches, fever, etc. The NS on call said that it doesn't sound like a serious issue, more-so that his brain is just adjusting to the pressure of having proper circulation. Makes sense.

Most of the time we've been back he spends lounging on the sofa playing with a magnadoodle or watching tv. He's been extra snuggly and lovey. Every day Logan is acting more and more like himself. He's completely mobile at this point. Sitting up is still jarring but nothing serious. He did lose a bit of weight from the hospital stay and not eating a lot the first few days. If you've met Logan you know there's not a whole lot of weight he could lose, hes so small as it is, my poor little dude looked like a skeleton. He's been bulking up on pediasure though. Except for being a little extra cautious he's almost normal. Well....normal for him.

My grandfathers 95th birthday was this past weekend. We went to my uncles house on Saturday for a gathering since most of the family came in from all over the country. Logan wasn't fond of it, I guess it was a bit overwhelming. He laid down in the bedroom, on the sofa, or on the floor almost the entire time we were there. On Sunday we went to Ruths Chris for Pop-Pops actual birthday party. Logan was running around like a crazy man! He was so playful and giggly, he did try to make a break for it a few times though. I guess his feelings are hit or miss, sometimes hes so sad and hurty and then others hes happy and playful.

Snuggled up on Nanas lap
From left to right
Pop-pop, Aunt Phyllis, Aunt Sallie, Booba, Uncle Barry, Nana/Logan, Uncle Paul, Eden

My sense of time is so off. It feels like we've been doing this recovery thing forever when in reality its been what, all of 11 days? I just finally got our suitcases from the hospital emptied and put away yesterday. So to summarize- Things have been crazy, mostly ups, some downs, he's doing REALLY well considering what he's been through in the past (less than) 2 weeks :) I'm so proud of my big boy. His hair is starting to grow back in and some of the stitches are already starting to dissolve. He's healing up beautifully.

His follow up is scheduled for October 17th, I'm hoping to get approval to start Logan back in school! I think we're going to take a trip up to the new school sometime before that in the next few weeks so we can get a feel for it. (His class transferred to a different school). I have to organize his bus pick-up/drop-off and then talk to everyone about his restrictions. He's going to be over the moon ecstatic to see his buddies and teachers. By the time he gets back into class regularly he should be almost fully healed, how exciting is that?! Eep!

I'll take another picture on Thursday for the two week marker.

Thats his pirate face D: ARR!
(patching his eye for the crossed eyes issues)

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