September 27, 2012

2 Weeks Post-Op!

A little collage :)
I cleaned off my camera lens so the next picture will actually be in focus lol

Things have been really good the last two days, he's only had one dose of Motrin, and hardly any headaches. There have been a few tantrums from frustration and just being annoyed since he isn't getting everything he wants all the time anymore. Day to day life is almost the same as before, yay! Its a little too early to tell if anything else has really changed with him. I personally think he's doing a lot of things better than before but its probably completely psychological. (Hey, at least I'm aware of my crazy) 

He realized two of his toes are stuck together yesterday, he was trying to pull them apart, it was really funny but kinda sad at the same time.

His eyes are still very crossed, I've been patching the stronger one but its not doing much. We see the opthamologist on the 19th, 2 days after his NS follow up. I'm not thrilled at fact that he'll probably be facing eye surgery too.

In other news

Talon turns 1 on the 30th, its crazy! We're not doing any thing spectacular, I didn't plan anything because there was no way to know how Logan would be feeling and I didn't want to overwhelm him. We (somewhat) celebrated at the labor day party. Family and friends are more than welcome to come visit him for his birthday, just not everyone all at onceI can't wait to have Talons 1 year pictures & Logans 5 year pictures done. Jeez, where did the time go? So grown up!

We're rescheduling our Texas vacation to June so we can be there for Michelles wedding.

I feel like there was something else I was going to post about but I've already forgotten. Oh well, hopefully I'll remember for next time.

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