September 29, 2012


Great news!

I called the NS's office. They told me Logan is cleared to go back to school! Oh my goodness he's going to be so excited. I cannot emphasize enough how much this boy LOVES school. Its been so long since he's seen all of his friends and teachers. He's been pushing the issue for a week now. He draws pictures of a school and writes "school" on his magnadoodle, dry erase boards, coloring books, he even spells it out on the refrigerator with magnets. I had the doctors office fax the school a list of restrictions and what not to get everything together. Most of the restrictions are really silly, for example  "No contact sports"...really? I was just thinking I should stick my short and scrawny little 4 year old in tackle football. Darn. Logans going to be in the PM class this year which works out best for everyone. He gets to be in a class with Ryan again! Ryan is a little buddy he's known for a few years through the intervention programs/pre-k. A few years is a long time considering hes not even five yet!!  Now I just need to arrange transportation and he'll be good to go! Another plus to being in the PM class is that I won't have to wake both of the boys cranky little butts up at 7 AM. I guess we'll see how the bus situation works out. I'm going to try take him up to the school a couple of times this week to sort of acclimate him to the new environment since its at a different location. At least he'll have his same friends and teachers to help him adjust. I'm so happy he's back to himself and ready to jump right back into his routine. Yay!

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