August 29, 2018

Final Post?!

I am so hopeful that this is my very last post on this blog.

We recently visited Dr. Magge for a (much overdue) follow up.

No more surgery. Hopefully ever. At least that's how it looks!

5 1/2 years later and Logan's craniocervical junction is officially aligned ðŸ˜Š

July 10, 2015


His tooth isn't getting any looser. The dentist said we can wait and let nature takes its course if it isn't bothering him, or we can schedule for it to be pulled, she is okay with either way. So for the time being its staying put, not ready to traumatize the child further just yet.

July 7, 2015

Teeth & Misc. Things

Logan has a dentist appointment this afternoon. His first big tooth is finally coming in (He's 7 1/2 years old, so it's pretty late as is). It's coming in behind his baby tooth, it's not knocking it out of place. The baby tooth is in there solid, I doubt it will fall out naturally, meaning this poor kid probably needs to get his tooth pulled.

He's been having behavioral issues at school too. The very end of this past school year he started throwing fits screaming "I can't!" His aversion to public bathrooms has increased ten-fold. He had his first day of ESY (Summer School) was yesterday and I got a phone call from the nurse at 11:00. He had a full blown panic attack when they tried to get him to use the bathroom. I left work to go help him out, it was so sad. He was genuinely afraid, he told me "it scares me!"

Hopefully today runs a bit more smoothly, I'll let you guys know how the dentist goes.

Also, this blog has made it over the 5000 mark in viewers, he's so loved <3

April 20, 2015


He just couldn't resist picking at it until it turned angry red :(
 Its healing now.

Waiting around

Lookin' cool


I wonder how many ways I could sit in this chair.

Ah, there he is, ready for business.

Eye Doctor Shenanigans

Appointment time: 10:00
Arrival time: 9:50 (AWESOME!) 
Leave time: 12:50 (NOT AWESOME!)

I don't know about all of you, but I'm not fond of spending 3 hours at a doctors office. At least its pediatric so there are toys everywhere. 

We got there on time (Yay!) I had to fill out some paperwork because we haven't been there in a year and a half. We didn't get taken back until 10:30ish, not bad. We get back in the office and the optometrist who does all the fun eye tests. She proceeds to dilate his eyes and sends us back out to the waiting room. Eventually we are taken back again. Not to the doctors office though, to another optometrist we go! She did essentially the exact same things. Back to the waiting room. Finally taken back to the the ophthalmologist's office, where we wait some more.

Doctor Dankner performs his exam. Logan's vision (without glasses) is 20/100, with glasses he is corrected to 20/40. He asked us why we never came back last time for a follow up, which I forgot about, because it too was scheduled last January and never happened because of mom's stroke. Logan has lens opacities, also known as cataracts. Good times. We are scheduled to come back in three weeks to see the orthoptist without having his eyes dilated. We're supposed to have an appointment in three months as well, with Dr. Fiergang to address the cataracts. Dr. Dankner said that he didn't notice any negative progression so that's a good sign. 

Oh shoot, I had pictures to add to this, I guess I'm making another post!