October 4, 2012

3 Week Post-Op Update


The sutures are pretty dissolved and the incision is starting to turn flesh toned again. 


He did develop what is known as a "pseudomeningocele." It started out looking like a little red pimple. Over the past day and a half its spread to about 1/2 inch. A pseudomeningocele is a pocket of CSF (cerebrospinal fluid) underneath of the skin. The doctor on call explained that the dura graft isn't always a perfectly water-tight seal. So what is happening is the fluid is escaping through the open spaces and it is collecting in that little bubble. He said its common and to monitor it in case it gets "angry red," starts leaking, or causes a fever/headaches. The incision does look a little shiny in this picture because I put antibiotic ointment on it. 


My sister Becca and I took Logan up to his new school to look around and get a feel for it. He isn't officially allowed to start class until Monday, so we did a little "meet and greet."  We got to meet the nurse and the speech therapist who will be working with him. I wish I had taken pictures of his face when we got in there. Right when we walked in he went for the picture schedule so he could get going! He was smiling (with his tongue out, it was adorable)  the entire time we were there. His teachers. Jamie and Dana, had gotten him some toys and a card, it was sweet, he didn't pay it much mind though. He was slightly preoccupied with everything in there and being back. Talon was imitating Logan with the velcro charts, freaking cute. Talon could have stayed and played all day too. We stayed for the first half hour or so while the kids were in free play. Logan was a bit hesitant of everyone at first, keeping to himself wandering the room. Ryan came up to him though and initiated a bit of magnadoodling and block building, too cute those two!

I also got in touch with bus transportation, they said that Logan is all set up for Monday and now I'm just waiting to hear from the driver to give us our pick up/drop off times.

Talons 1 Year Dr. Appt

We were running SO late given the traffic from the bad weather. Luckily even though we were a good 10 minutes past the grace period they let us have his appt. Our appointment was supposed to start at 1. We actually got seen about 2:15. Poor babycakes needed to get a bunch of shots. Shots are a daddy job. Unfortunately I was in the back with him alone. My MIL and SIL had Logan and my nephew in the waiting room. It broke my heart having to restrain him. He's growing fine now which is good. Doc went to the waiting room to see Logan and said he's looking good but that he's lost weight, which is true, we're working on bulking him back up.



1 comment:

  1. Its so cute how happy Logan is for school! What a trooper!
    I hate shots too - I HATE the restraining part :(
