September 14, 2012


I was trying to make a mini-update yesterday but Chrome on the computers here wouldn't let me. Go Mozilla, I guess? Beware my time frames are probably off, I'll have to confirm with Danny & the grandparents.

We got here a little late, but we were pushed back because they had a trauma case come in. He went into anesthesia around 1:15 (instead of 11). He was in surgery by 2. We got a few nurse updates saying he was doing well. Finally saw the doctor around 6:45ish. He said it went well, they found a bifida in the first vertebrate, there was a lot of tension in it from scar tissue. He also said when he went to patch the brain the dura was thicker than a normal dura would be. Logan has another CT scan today. We're gonna leave the PICU soonish, we already have a regular recovery room set up and waiting for the ok. I can't believe its only 10 AM. I slept maybe 3 hours last night (not consecutively) and the nurse woke me up this morning at 5 because Logan was up. It already feels like we've been at the hospital forever, this stay is going to feel soooo long. Logan is well as he can. He hurts and is very stiff, but he's being a trooper <3

There is SO much more to this story but I'm going to leave it at that and throw all the nitty gritty details in the next post (with all the pictures I have on my phone that are already on facebook).


  1. I know Daniel and his family. Your son is in my prayers. My son Josiah has medical challenges as well. Your in-laws know me very well. He doesn't walk, talk, sit up etc... he is gtube fed and catherized. Only God can keep you strong. And you have a wonderful support system. Your in-laws have known me all of my life. My name is Denise and I will check your blog for updates.

  2. Wishing Logan a speedy recovery and I'll be looking forward to your next entry! What a tough little guy!!!
