September 10, 2012

Good things

I heard back from RMHC! We have a large room reserved for up to 7 days (we can extend if need be). They have a crib available for us too, which is fantastic.

My in-laws managed to push their trip back by a week, and they are willing to Epic-sit for us. That makes the whole planning who is going where when ordeal much simpler. I'm still working on it but we have up until Monday finished. Thats a start.

Starting to pack suitcases today. I'm going to make a check list on here (and on paper) so that if I forget anything Danny can grab it and bring it when he comes up. We're going to DC separately because he has a meeting/Nana has work. Also the in-laws are taking us to the zoo! I've heard the DC zoo is way better than the one near us. Neither of the boys has been to the zoo yet (at least not that I recall). This should be exciting.

Talon just woke up from a 3 hour nap, my next update will be tonight and it will be the checklist. Feel free to comment on it if you think I forgot something, which is totally likely.


ASHLEY THACKER. We had a ton of fun at Tiberius' birthday party, but the little one and I are covered head to toe in bug bites. AHHHHH *scratch scratch scratch*


T-3 Days


  1. finally glad to hear that things are starting to work themselves out and are falling in to place for ya! you deserve such a huge break!! I also read your list you made and from what I can tell you pretty much have it covered, i think lol.

    P. S. Being mobile right now I'm not sure how to "comment as" an actual person so right now it says anonymous lol buuuttt its Ashley chambers <3

  2. I've been thinking about Logan and his upcoming surgery every day, and hoping for the best outcome with everything you have recently found out.
    I love you and your sweet little family!

  3. I'm soooooooo glad that the RMHC worked out!!!
