March 2, 2015

It's been awhile

I haven't written any medical updates and I'm going to let you know why

I dropped the ball.

Like...really really dropped the ball.


Logan hasn't had a follow up since Summer 2013 when I posted last.

He was supposed to have a 6 month MRI and appointment at the end of January of 2014. Unfortunately, while that was scheduled, it was missed. The boys and I were still adjusting to living at my moms house, the loss of my Pop Pop, and my beginning work. The week that is was scheduled for was the week when the world exploded; my mom had a massive stroke. Her hospitalization and recovery overwhelmed our family for a long time. She's home and doing well now, but everything else was put on hold or overlooked and I'm so sad to say that Logan's follow ups were one of those things.

Well fast forward to last week: Logan started having headaches. They seem mild, and inconsistent, but headaches are headaches. So, here I am sitting wondering why I haven't heard about setting up an appointment this past January because they're supposed to be every January from now until forever. And then it hit me that we didn't even do last years (I COULD HAVE SWORN WE DID) but nope.

Regardless, the earliest date I could get for him is April 1st.

So guess who is getting up at 5 AM to drive through rush hour traffic to D.C. to be at Children's by 7 even though his appointment isn't until 8? Yep. This mom.

I can only wonder how he'll feel going back there since it's been so long. He's grown up a lot in a year and a half. Fingers are crossed for all good news. Let's hope that the syrinx is gone. Let's hope that the fluid is normal. Let's hope that the misalignment has settled itself. Let's just hope.

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