November 18, 2012

8 Weeks Post Op

I'm so happy with how its healing up.
He needs his hair cut really badly though.

He's doing so well. So much has improved already. He's jumping non-stop. He runs around saying "hop hop hop" and just bounces everywhere! His speech is really taking off. You can't say anything without having an adorable little echo.

He answers yes/no questions now and its so cute. Example:

Danny: Do you love daddy?
Logan: NO!
Danny: So you don't love me?
Logan: NO!
Danny: What about mommy, do you love mommy?
Logan: Yesss

We had Logans parent/teacher conference on Friday. Logan had a massive freak out when we got there. I've only seen him act like that a couple of times ever, it was so out of character. Eventually we got him settled with my mother-in-laws kindle. Talon was easily occupied by toys and donuts. The meeting itself was pretty uneventful. There wasn't much to discuss considering he's only been back at school for a month. It seems like it has been so much longer than that. All in all everyone thinks he's doing really well getting back into the groove of things. We talked a little about whats going to happen to transition next year (scary) but we'll cross that bridge when we get there.

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